smile more stress less

tee: rag & bone // pants: cinq a sept // shoes: guess // 

It's been a while huh? I have to apologize for my slight hiatus from the blog. I went home and away for some much needed relaxation. It was so wonderful! 

2019 however has been a bit of a bumpy ride for me so far. I've had some family stuff going on which can actually be a blessing in disguise but is still super stressful. I've also had some past wounds open up yet again which has been quite painful to say the least. One of the issues I've dealt with my whole life is letting things affect my present life. It's something I really want to work on for 2019. I am in charge of how I feel, what I let upset me and what I let affect my life. 

I actually received a great gift over the holidays that I'm really excited to use. It's called the "Five Minute Journal" and the concept is to write in it at the morning when you wake up and when you go to bed. It forces you to see the good in your life and start and end the day on a positive note. I haven't used it yet but I'll let you know how it goes!

In the meantime, I want to stop focusing on things that I cannot change. I want to focus on the blessings I have in my life NOW. I've also realized if you start your day smiling, you actually become more positive and genuinely happier throughout the day. When I shot these pics I was FREEZING but I loved my outfit so it made me smile. It's the little things right? ;) I also start school today which I feel super excited for but very nervous. I feel blessed that I'm able to continue my education. Let's see if I still got it haha. 

Have a great Thursday!

ps. I'm still not used to my tattoo! I absolutely love it but it will take some adjusting to. 

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Maira Gall