lime green pop

top: joe fresh // shorts: vintage levis // sneakers: aldo // watch: michael kors 

Hello from sunny Florida!
I wanted to do a quick post before it torrential poured again. The weather hasn't exactly been my friend since I got here about a week ago. It's been raining every single day but I'm so happy to be away from snow for a little while. 
Whenever I'm somewhere warm, I always want to wear bright colours. I picked up this silk Joe Fresh blouse in the clearance aisle a while back and absolutely loved it. I think it goes perfectly with my vintage Levis shorts. 
On another note, how is it almost 2014? I actually cannot believe it! This year has flown by! I'm so excited for the new year though. We will be moving to Calgary in February and I cannot wait! A new city and a new experience is the best way to start 2014 if you ask me! 

Stay tuned for my next post where I'll be sharing my New Years outfit! 

ps. humidity is not kind to my hair! AHHH 

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  1. Oh no! You should come to California - plenty of sun here! And we all whine about it. Love the top, one of my favorite colors.

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  2. That sucks that it's been raining but it looks nice and warm!! This green is such a great colour on you, looks perfect with the ripped up levis :)

  3. The rain is always a bit of a downer on vacation, but it sure beats the snow. I was so sad that it rained my last couple of days in Florida too...though I wish I was back there nonetheless!

    The colour of that top is amazing! I always love a good clearance find.

    xoxo Jackie

  4. Loving the colour of that blouse!


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Maira Gall