city livin'

cardigan: jacob (old) // tee: aritzia // pants: covet at bamboo ballroom // boots: jeffrey campbell // bag: roots // watch: michael kors// lipstick: c/o: annabelle cosmetics in "vamp" 

Notice anything different? 
I'm in a city now! On the almost 5 hour drive from my tiny town to Calgary I couldn't believe that I wouldn't be doing that drive again. If you've read this blog for a while, you know I've been waiting for this moment for quite some time so I'm super excited to start this new chapter in my life. 
I'm still on the job hunt and I'm hoping to get something soon but in the meantime I'll have some time this weekend to unpack our place (we get it on Friday) and have it looking like normal again. 

Anywho, on to the outfit. Since I could only pack for a week and had to put the rest in storage, I packed a bunch of random things. At first, I didn't think this outfit was particularly "outfit post" worthy but I actually liked how comfortable it was and how it had a monochromatic feel. The only downside? I was FREEZING. Seriously, winter needs to go away ASAP. Who's with me? 

Happy Monday!

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  1. So cute! Love those pants! Congrats on the big move!

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  2. So exciting! I moved from Calgary 6 years ago to California, but we are making the big move back again this summer! I'm looking forward to being back in Canada, but change can always be a bit daunting! Hope you find a job soon and perhaps we can connect in the future - we can call it a blogger meet up :) Love the outfit, always do!


  3. Welcome to Calgary, girl!

  4. It's so funny to see a picture of you with a city background! I love it! Congrats on your big move - it must be so exciting! Love the look by the way - that cardigan is the perfect tan color!

    Bold Subtlety

  5. This is so pretty love the look a lot, chic too.

  6. Look at you, you little city slicker! Love this look, and hope to visit you soon! xx

  7. SO OVER WINTER! Ugh. I love this look though, those pants look sooo comfy :)

  8. Tell me about it!! I am so done with winter and yet, here we are and it's Feb 3 *sigh*

    Congrats again on the big move. I know you've been talking about it for so long that it's crazy the time has finally come.

    Best of luck on the job front. I'm sure you'll find something soon!

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

  9. You have the best pants! Love these!

  10. love these pants so much Mel!! Congrats on the move :)

    C's Evolution of Style

  11. I'm definitely with you in that winter needs to go away. I'm so sick of these snow storms and frigid temperatures! But I DO love your high-waisted printed pants, they are beautiful!

    Xo, Hannah


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Maira Gall