jacket: zara // turtleneck, pants, booties: club monaco 

Happy 2018!!

I took a mini break from all things blog and social media. This was partly due to the holidays and my hectic work schedule but it was also about -30 here in Calgary for the past two weeks. That kind of weather doesn't make you want to do anything let alone take photos outside! 

While I was taking a break at work one day, I stumbled on a great indoor photo location and I think it showcased my outfit quite well! I love the idea of wearing a colour from head to toe. It is flattering and quite chic in my opinion. If you've followed this blog for a while you will have noticed that I actually own these pants in two other colours too (black and navy) and you know what? I love them! I have a hard time finding pants that work on my body and I just so happened to find them at Club so why not buy all the colours ;)! 

Hope your holidays were so great!! If you live in Calgary and know of some good indoor locations let me know in the comments or email me.

Have a great start to your 2018 and as always, thank you for stopping by!

I'll be sharing some of my thoughts on 2017 and some of my New Year resolutions in my next post! 

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Maira Gall