on confidence

top: h&m // skirt: club monaco // heels: aldo (old) // sunglasses: karen walker // necklace: club monaco // watch: michael kors 

As style bloggers we are assumed to have quite a high level of confidence. 
I mean, we basically have photos online for the world to see right? In my case, I've struggled to have confidence in myself. I constantly scrutinize my photos, outfit and body to the point where it can get a little annoying. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this but I'm actively trying to be happy with what I have and stop focusing on what I don't. No, I'll never be model tall, I won't always have something new to wear, and I'll always have some curves. 

I almost didn't post these photos on the blog solely for the reason that my hair was au natural. Silly reason I know, but when you always take photos with your hair done it's quite hard to see it otherwise. Moving forward, instead of focusing on the negative in photos, I want to focus on what I do like. What do I like in these photos? I've always liked my shoulders, so this top actuates them perfectly! I also love how this skirt cinches at the waist which is super flattering ;) 

Here are some tips I'm going to use moving forward to boost my confidence: 

1.) Work it! I've been trying to actively workout more often and it actually has helped me with my confidence, I also feel less stressed out when I have worked out for the day. 
2.) SMILE! Nothing looks more confident them smiling, it also makes you more approachable! 
3.) Embrace compliments! Nothing feels better then getting a genuine compliment from someone you know or even a stranger. Keep those compliments whenever you need a boost ;) 
4.) Hang out with friends! Friends are always there for you and let's face it, you're always in a better mood with your friends around.
5.) Set goals- give yourself a goal, it could be a large or small but visualize it happening and tell yourself it will happen! 


  1. I love this outfit!! Super flattering on you!

    PS. You do look amazing and sometimes you just have to see past your own perspective and see it in other people's eyes. So easy to say but so hard to do! It gets better :]

  2. You look great! Your hair "au natural" is very pretty, by the way! What kind of bra do you wear with tops like that? I would love to buy open shoulder blouses, but have never found a strapless bra that works!!

    1. Hi Suzy! My strapless bras are from Victoria's Secret! With some tops I wear the little pasties too! I'm lucky that I don't have a large bust so I can get away with them :) Hope this helps! Thank you for the compliments btw! ;)

  3. Great post:) I was literally just picking apart my own photos and stumbled across your post. You're so right, let's focus on what we love about ourselves instead!


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Maira Gall