Staying positive

blouse: aritzia // jeans: citizens of humanity // boots: frye 

I have to apologize for the lack of posting on the blog!
The excuse is a combination of things: work, life and just not feeling up to taking photos due to the weather and feeling pretty unconfident lately. 

I feel like some of the best photos I take, I not only love my outfit but I feel good inside and out. Lately, I've been feeling sluggish and quite frankly not myself. Since I returned to Alberta, I've been pretty relaxed in terms of working out and diet. The result is some weight gain that I'm not very happy about. I'm trying my best to get to my goal weight by working out, spinning and just eating better. I've just been feeling pretty unconfident lately and I'm trying to make some changes in order to feel better and more positive about myself. 

I have been trying to work out in the morning to start my day off in the right direction. A week or so ago, I went to spin at 6 am and quite frankly surprised myself by going aha. I am by no means a morning person so it was quite difficult. The result really surprised me though, not only did I survive but I had a great day afterwards! It really does help improve your mood and the way you decide on food choices as well. I'd also like to point out that I slept like a baby later that night. Can this be a cure to my insomnia!? 

I've also been trying to surround myself with things that make me happy like hanging out with my girlfriends and loved ones. Putting down the phone and immersing myself in conversation or watching a movie. I feel a lot more relaxed when I do this!

I've also decided to go back to school. I've been feeling like I've been in a rut work wise and I've been trying to figure out what I truly want to do with my life. Also yes, I know I am 30 and kinda old to still not really know but hey, it's never too late right? I'm going to be doing it part time but I'm going back to school for Public Relations! I have always been interested in that industry and with my blogging, I think it'll be a perfect fit! 

That's my update for now! How do you stay positive? How do you give yourself a positive body image? I've been struggling a lot with it lately. I'd love to know your tips! 


  1. Congrats on going back to school! That’s such an exciting new step. And you’re never too old to not know what you want to do. A lot of us (me included) spend a majority of our lives trying to figure that out.

    So excited for your new chapter, you’re going to do amazing!

  2. Amazing you decided to return to school! Following something you ate passionate for will always make you happy & content!! I am in a no exercise & eating terrible stage right now don’t bear yourself up! I am starting to take walks & trying to eat more fruits & vegetables! The next thing is to get to bed much earlier!! I wake up at 5:40 am for work (starts at 6:45) so I can’t really exercise before work...but I know that is also the best time for me!!

  3. That’s so exciting Mel! Congrats on enrolling in PR; I know you’ll kill it 🙌🏻


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Maira Gall